Senator McConnell Answers Press about Trump Budget, Vetting, Healthcare Replacement

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky tells reporters at a weekly briefing that he would be pleased to take a look at immigration policies of President Trump, that Congress will sort out how to spend federal money, a day after President Trump released a budget outline. McConnell says he will not give Attorney General Jeff Sessions advice about investigating the Trump administration, insisting that Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr has his full confidence. McConnell says there is interest in the administration properly vetting travelers to the United States, reminding reporters that presidents are often stopped by courts and the Trump administration's reaction a controversial order. McConnell says further that the goal is for the Trump administration and the Republican-led Congress to come together around a combination of legislation and regulation to replace the Affordable Care Act, repeating that the status quo is not sustainable.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky tells reporters at a weekly briefing that he would be pleased to take a look at immigration policies of President Trump, that Congress will sort out how to spend federal money, a day after President Trump released a budget outline. McConnell says he will not give Attorney General Jeff Sessions advice about investigating the Trump administration, insisting that Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr has his full confidence. McConnell says there is interest in the administration properly vetting travelers to the United States, reminding reporters that presidents are often stopped by courts and the Trump administration's reaction a controversial order. McConnell says further that the goal is for the Trump administration and the Republican-led Congress to come together around a combination of legislation and regulation to replace the Affordable Care Act, repeating that the status quo is not sustainable.

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
28 februari 2017
Saknar release. Mer information
Washington, DC, United States
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1280x720 30p