Conflict: Refugees flee Eastern Ghouta as government recapture territory

Conflict: Refugees flee Eastern Ghouta as government recapture territory; SYRIA: Eastern Ghouta: EXT Wide shot crowd of Syrian refugees PAN Woman in headscarf crying Child in crowd crying Men waiting in crowd Close shot baby crying Crowd along Pushchair held in air Man pushing wounded man along in wheelchair Girl holding teddy bear's Crowd sitting TILT UP Soldier handing out water bottles TILT UP throwing bottles into crowd Refugees trying to catch water Hands in air High angle view refugees gathered around aid truck Man handing out water bottles from back of truck Hands gripping truck Crowd surrounding vehicle Boys by truck Man throwing aid from truck Reporter to camera Boy following man Reporter to camera Car along with man hanging out window firing gun SOT Soldier along pointing rifle in air Vox pop (subtitles overlaid) Man instructing crowd People sitting down Man kissing woman Vox pop (subtitles overlaid) Soldiers carrying injured man on stretcher Wide shot refugees along Refugees boarding bus Children looking out of bus window Boy in bus Ambulance along with siren heard SOT Bus along Ruined buildings Shelled out building Black smoke rising next to minaret Wide shot building shell
Conflict: Refugees flee Eastern Ghouta as government recapture territory; SYRIA: Eastern Ghouta: EXT Wide shot crowd of Syrian refugees PAN Woman in headscarf crying Child in crowd crying Men waiting in crowd Close shot baby crying Crowd along Pushchair held in air Man pushing wounded man along in wheelchair Girl holding teddy bear's Crowd sitting TILT UP Soldier handing out water bottles TILT UP throwing bottles into crowd Refugees trying to catch water Hands in air High angle view refugees gathered around aid truck Man handing out water bottles from back of truck Hands gripping truck Crowd surrounding vehicle Boys by truck Man throwing aid from truck Reporter to camera Boy following man Reporter to camera Car along with man hanging out window firing gun SOT Soldier along pointing rifle in air Vox pop (subtitles overlaid) Man instructing crowd People sitting down Man kissing woman Vox pop (subtitles overlaid) Soldiers carrying injured man on stretcher Wide shot refugees along Refugees boarding bus Children looking out of bus window Boy in bus Ambulance along with siren heard SOT Bus along Ruined buildings Shelled out building Black smoke rising next to minaret Wide shot building shell

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
19 mars 2018
Saknar release. Mer information
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25i
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
1080 25i