BOMB DISCOVERED WHERE LORD ARMSTRONG LIVED: 01; *CR2813 BOMB DISCOVERED WHERE LORD ARM LIVED: 016.8.90 ENGLAND EXT ITN London 02.40 GV entrance to drive where bomb was dislodged PULL NW8 OUT to police at cordon; GVs police activity as they go from house to house; CMS street sign "Woronzow Road NW8"; CMS old lady looking out window of old people's home; GV police activity as make enquiries house to house; MS policeman at cordon at top of road ZOOM to entrance of drive where bomb was dislodged; Detectives speaking with local residents; GVs ext old people's home; Policemen & women out of van & along road; police van departs; GV workmen at entrance to house nearby; Police activity as guide residents in their cars twds their homes; MS Daimler with number plate "F261 RUC" parked. 07.30 GVs down driveway of No 6 Woronzow Road (where bomb was found) TS drive; GVs door & porch PULL OUT; MS two men try to deliver flowers to house but no reply & leave. 09.37 Cherry Freeman (owner of car which bomb dropped off) drives along road & into driveway (NOT in car which bomb came off); Ms Freeman out of car & intvw'd SOF: on what happened & her reax; Ms Freeman into house & door closed. 14.07 CUs eyewitness (man passing on way to work nearby renovating house) SOF: describes seeing bomb CONDENSED RUSHES CR2813 ENDS 16.43mins
BOMB DISCOVERED WHERE LORD ARMSTRONG LIVED: 01; *CR2813 BOMB DISCOVERED WHERE LORD ARM LIVED: 016.8.90 ENGLAND EXT ITN London 02.40 GV entrance to drive where bomb was dislodged PULL NW8 OUT to police at cordon; GVs police activity as they go from house to house; CMS street sign "Woronzow Road NW8"; CMS old lady looking out window of old people's home; GV police activity as make enquiries house to house; MS policeman at cordon at top of road ZOOM to entrance of drive where bomb was dislodged; Detectives speaking with local residents; GVs ext old people's home; Policemen & women out of van & along road; police van departs; GV workmen at entrance to house nearby; Police activity as guide residents in their cars twds their homes; MS Daimler with number plate "F261 RUC" parked. 07.30 GVs down driveway of No 6 Woronzow Road (where bomb was found) TS drive; GVs door & porch PULL OUT; MS two men try to deliver flowers to house but no reply & leave. 09.37 Cherry Freeman (owner of car which bomb dropped off) drives along road & into driveway (NOT in car which bomb came off); Ms Freeman out of car & intvw'd SOF: on what happened & her reax; Ms Freeman into house & door closed. 14.07 CUs eyewitness (man passing on way to work nearby renovating house) SOF: describes seeing bomb CONDENSED RUSHES CR2813 ENDS 16.43mins

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Datum skapat:
06 augusti 1990
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
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576 25i