Impact of cancer on children

Impact of cancer on children; ENGLAND: Herefordshire: INT Becky Shaw as nurse discusses her medication Shaw having injection during her chemotherapy treatment Becky Shaw interview SOT - Don't like chemo, horrible taste in mouth - I hate it but haven't really got much choice CUTAWAY Shaw receiving treatment from nurse Shaw receiving intravenous (IV) chemotherapy treatment Becky Shaw in bed as woken by mother INT CAR POV (Point of View) motorway as car along Shaw in car with mother on way to chemotherapy treatment POV (Point of View) motorway INT Becky Shaw and mother along in hospital Caroline Shaw (Becky's mum) interview SOT - on diffiiculty of watching your child go through treatment Shaw receiving intravenous treatment and mother watching with partial interview overlaid SOT Shaw telling nurse that it hurts SOT Becky Shaw interview SOT - Feeling very tired and sick / I just want to get home as quick as I can Shaw undergoing intravenous chemo treatment with partial interview overlaid SOT Close shot Becky INT CAR Becky Shaw in passenger seat of car as along on road
Impact of cancer on children; ENGLAND: Herefordshire: INT Becky Shaw as nurse discusses her medication Shaw having injection during her chemotherapy treatment Becky Shaw interview SOT - Don't like chemo, horrible taste in mouth - I hate it but haven't really got much choice CUTAWAY Shaw receiving treatment from nurse Shaw receiving intravenous (IV) chemotherapy treatment Becky Shaw in bed as woken by mother INT CAR POV (Point of View) motorway as car along Shaw in car with mother on way to chemotherapy treatment POV (Point of View) motorway INT Becky Shaw and mother along in hospital Caroline Shaw (Becky's mum) interview SOT - on diffiiculty of watching your child go through treatment Shaw receiving intravenous treatment and mother watching with partial interview overlaid SOT Shaw telling nurse that it hurts SOT Becky Shaw interview SOT - Feeling very tired and sick / I just want to get home as quick as I can Shaw undergoing intravenous chemo treatment with partial interview overlaid SOT Close shot Becky INT CAR Becky Shaw in passenger seat of car as along on road

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
05 oktober 2016
Saknar release. Mer information
United Kingdom
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25i
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
1080 25i