Gifted children

Gifted children; ENGLAND: London: Newton Prep (private school): EXT MS 'Newton Prep' sign above door PULL OUT children playing in playground (primary, mixed sex & race) CMS Children standing (all children at school have IQ of at least 110 which is 10 above average) INT TCMS Teacher (sitting on floor with nursery age children) leading rhyme SOF TCMS Little girl MS Class CMS Ditto MS Primary age children (in uniform) sitting in canteen as Headmaster Jim Cussell along towards CBV Children as Jim talking in b/g CBV Jim looking at children TCMS Girl talking 2 SHOT/ CMS Jim Cussell (Headmaster) intvwd SOF - criteria for award of scholarships Montague Sq. W1: 2 SHOT/ CMS Dr Joan Freeman (European Council For High Ability) intvwd SOF - difference between high & low achievers / knowledge comes from good teaching & learning materials School: TCBV Teacher Kate Lever instructing boys at VDU PAN L-R other children at computers CMS Two boys staring at screen TCS Fingers on computer mouse CMS Vox pops schoolchildren SOF MS Teacher with pupils at computer CMS Kate Lever (Teacher) intvwd SOF - shame that state sector can't have these resources CMS Young children sitting on floor playing musical instruments SOF CMS Ditto CMS Ditto PULL OUT
Gifted children; ENGLAND: London: Newton Prep (private school): EXT MS 'Newton Prep' sign above door PULL OUT children playing in playground (primary, mixed sex & race) CMS Children standing (all children at school have IQ of at least 110 which is 10 above average) INT TCMS Teacher (sitting on floor with nursery age children) leading rhyme SOF TCMS Little girl MS Class CMS Ditto MS Primary age children (in uniform) sitting in canteen as Headmaster Jim Cussell along towards CBV Children as Jim talking in b/g CBV Jim looking at children TCMS Girl talking 2 SHOT/ CMS Jim Cussell (Headmaster) intvwd SOF - criteria for award of scholarships Montague Sq. W1: 2 SHOT/ CMS Dr Joan Freeman (European Council For High Ability) intvwd SOF - difference between high & low achievers / knowledge comes from good teaching & learning materials School: TCBV Teacher Kate Lever instructing boys at VDU PAN L-R other children at computers CMS Two boys staring at screen TCS Fingers on computer mouse CMS Vox pops schoolchildren SOF MS Teacher with pupils at computer CMS Kate Lever (Teacher) intvwd SOF - shame that state sector can't have these resources CMS Young children sitting on floor playing musical instruments SOF CMS Ditto CMS Ditto PULL OUT

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
27 september 1991
Saknar release. Mer information
United Kingdom
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
576 25i