General Election 2015: SNP maintain poll lead in Scotland as campaign continues

General Election 2015: SNP maintain poll lead in Scotland as campaign continues; SCOTLAND: EXT Nicola Sturgeon (SNP Leader and First Minister) walking across to helicopter carrying her picture and the slogan "Stronger for Scotland" and poses for photocall INT HELICOPTER Sturgeon climbing into helicopter EXT Sturgeon into helicopter Sturgeon waving through helicopter window INT HELICOPTER Nicola Sturgeon (SNP Leader and First Minister) speaking SOT (wearing a radio headset) - I've never flown in a helicopter before EXT Helicopter taking off INT HELICOPTER Sturgeon waving from window as away Pilot flying helicopter Sturgeon interview SOT - I want to get to every part of the country in the next seven days Selkirkshire: Galashiels: EXT Sturgeon applauded by crowd as preparing to speak People looking on from window of flat that is flying the Scottish saltire flag SNP supporters with placards Reporter talking to Sturgeon Sturgeon interview SOT - We spend more per head of population on health and education CUTAWAY People listening Various of people gathered to see Sturgeon Vox pops SOT Helicopter taking off
General Election 2015: SNP maintain poll lead in Scotland as campaign continues; SCOTLAND: EXT Nicola Sturgeon (SNP Leader and First Minister) walking across to helicopter carrying her picture and the slogan "Stronger for Scotland" and poses for photocall INT HELICOPTER Sturgeon climbing into helicopter EXT Sturgeon into helicopter Sturgeon waving through helicopter window INT HELICOPTER Nicola Sturgeon (SNP Leader and First Minister) speaking SOT (wearing a radio headset) - I've never flown in a helicopter before EXT Helicopter taking off INT HELICOPTER Sturgeon waving from window as away Pilot flying helicopter Sturgeon interview SOT - I want to get to every part of the country in the next seven days Selkirkshire: Galashiels: EXT Sturgeon applauded by crowd as preparing to speak People looking on from window of flat that is flying the Scottish saltire flag SNP supporters with placards Reporter talking to Sturgeon Sturgeon interview SOT - We spend more per head of population on health and education CUTAWAY People listening Various of people gathered to see Sturgeon Vox pops SOT Helicopter taking off

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
30 april 2015
Saknar release. Mer information
United Kingdom
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 25i
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
1080 25i