Special: Funeral of Princess Diana: 13.00 - 14.00

Special: Funeral of Princess Diana: 13.00 - 14.00; SPECIAL (u'lay with commentary) LIVE England: London: 13.00 Hearse & escort disappearing up M1 motorway Workers clear flowers from road which were dumped by hearse driver Buckingham Palace: TGV milling crowds MS crowd looking at flowers GVs milling crowds Crowds outside palace Abbey: 13.02 TMS Richard Branson standing chatting laughing (Ruby Wax in front of him) PULL OUT West exterior of abbey TGV crowd & VIPs outside abbey Crowd 13.03 TGV abbey & crowd outside TGV VIPs outside abbey ZOOM IN 13.04 TGV Hyde Park with crowd & cityscape in b/g ZOOM IN park TMS crowd dispersing TGV park & crowd STUDIO - Trevor McDonald (u'lay) LIVE 13.06 England: London: Westminster Abbey: Julia Somerville live intvw with Lord David Steel - Spencer didn't overstep the mark - Royal family may in future be more approachable & informal - hope Diana's life leaves behind some lessons STUDIO - Trevor McDonald - Mark Webster LIVE 2 way ex Hyde Park & interviews with mourners (U'lay) LIVE M1 motorway: 13.09 TLMS hearse & escort towards PAN across crowd on bridge PAN procession away to BV
Special: Funeral of Princess Diana: 13.00 - 14.00; SPECIAL (u'lay with commentary) LIVE England: London: 13.00 Hearse & escort disappearing up M1 motorway Workers clear flowers from road which were dumped by hearse driver Buckingham Palace: TGV milling crowds MS crowd looking at flowers GVs milling crowds Crowds outside palace Abbey: 13.02 TMS Richard Branson standing chatting laughing (Ruby Wax in front of him) PULL OUT West exterior of abbey TGV crowd & VIPs outside abbey Crowd 13.03 TGV abbey & crowd outside TGV VIPs outside abbey ZOOM IN 13.04 TGV Hyde Park with crowd & cityscape in b/g ZOOM IN park TMS crowd dispersing TGV park & crowd STUDIO - Trevor McDonald (u'lay) LIVE 13.06 England: London: Westminster Abbey: Julia Somerville live intvw with Lord David Steel - Spencer didn't overstep the mark - Royal family may in future be more approachable & informal - hope Diana's life leaves behind some lessons STUDIO - Trevor McDonald - Mark Webster LIVE 2 way ex Hyde Park & interviews with mourners (U'lay) LIVE M1 motorway: 13.09 TLMS hearse & escort towards PAN across crowd on bridge PAN procession away to BV

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
06 september 1997
Saknar release. Mer information
United Kingdom
Mastrad till:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
Ursprungligen inspelat på:
576 25i