Conservative Spring Conference: David Cameron rallies support

Conservative Spring Conference: David Cameron rallies support; London: INT David Cameron along to stage at the Conservative Spring conference GV Conference David Cameron MP (Prime Minister) speech SOT - we are building an aspiration nation / a country where it's not who you know or where you're from but who you are and where you're determined to go / my dream for Britain is that opportunity is not an accident of birth but a birthright / like Churchill said, we are for the ladder, let all try their best to climb Side shot Cameron at podium David Cameron speech continued SOT - anyone who thought it was going to be easy, they're wrong / anyone who thinks it's going to get easier, I'm afraid they're wrong too CUTAWAY Delegates listening Cameron SOT - this is a battle for Britain's future that we're engaged in / we're here to fight, we're here to win and we've never been more up to the task of turning our country around
Conservative Spring Conference: David Cameron rallies support; London: INT David Cameron along to stage at the Conservative Spring conference GV Conference David Cameron MP (Prime Minister) speech SOT - we are building an aspiration nation / a country where it's not who you know or where you're from but who you are and where you're determined to go / my dream for Britain is that opportunity is not an accident of birth but a birthright / like Churchill said, we are for the ladder, let all try their best to climb Side shot Cameron at podium David Cameron speech continued SOT - anyone who thought it was going to be easy, they're wrong / anyone who thinks it's going to get easier, I'm afraid they're wrong too CUTAWAY Delegates listening Cameron SOT - this is a battle for Britain's future that we're engaged in / we're here to fight, we're here to win and we've never been more up to the task of turning our country around

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
16 mars 2013
Saknar release. Mer information
United Kingdom
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
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576 25i