Salim assassination: Blair promises no quick exit

Salim assassination: Blair promises no quick exit; ITN TURKEY: Ankara: INT SIDE CMS Tony Blair MP (Prime Minister) Tony Blair sat on dinner table with others during his visit to Turkey PULL OUT EXT/NIGHT Police on street after a bombing in Ankara before Tony Blair's arrival PAN to burnt out car INT SIDE Tony Blair and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan standing at podiums SIDE CMS Tony Blair Robinson in audience asking what Blair's reaction is to those who think he is losing control in Iraq and Britain SOT SIDE LS Blair at podium Tony Blair MP (Prime Minister) replying SOT - The task of leadership when things are difficult is precisely not to cut and run, but to face the difficulties and to overcome them/ In Iraq we will continue until the job is done CUTAWAY GV audience ENGLAND: London: EXT John Prescott MP (Deputy Prime Minister) comments to press TRACK BACK SOT - Just for the record, in the five minutes I was there (At meeting with Gordon Brown) I bought kippers/ The rest is just press prattle SIDE John Prescott along with press TRACK INT TGV John Prescott eating a canapes and holding a drink EXT BV John Prescott commenting to Ray, who asks if there was a deal, as he is followed along road and into building TRACK FORWARD SOT - The kippers were really wonderful / I'm all Labour, I had kippers not oysters INT CMS David Blunkett MP (Home Secretary) whispering in ear of Gordon Brown MP (Chancellor) GV distorted image of Gordon Brown as seen through a glass Gordon Brown leaving room as Ray asks if he enjoyed his kippers PAN SOT EXT David Blunkett MP (Home Secretary) interview SOT - All the froth about who's stabbing who in the back and who's going to be the next leader of the Labour party / At the moment we are fighting to ensure that people understand that politics is what happens in their own lives
Salim assassination: Blair promises no quick exit; ITN TURKEY: Ankara: INT SIDE CMS Tony Blair MP (Prime Minister) Tony Blair sat on dinner table with others during his visit to Turkey PULL OUT EXT/NIGHT Police on street after a bombing in Ankara before Tony Blair's arrival PAN to burnt out car INT SIDE Tony Blair and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan standing at podiums SIDE CMS Tony Blair Robinson in audience asking what Blair's reaction is to those who think he is losing control in Iraq and Britain SOT SIDE LS Blair at podium Tony Blair MP (Prime Minister) replying SOT - The task of leadership when things are difficult is precisely not to cut and run, but to face the difficulties and to overcome them/ In Iraq we will continue until the job is done CUTAWAY GV audience ENGLAND: London: EXT John Prescott MP (Deputy Prime Minister) comments to press TRACK BACK SOT - Just for the record, in the five minutes I was there (At meeting with Gordon Brown) I bought kippers/ The rest is just press prattle SIDE John Prescott along with press TRACK INT TGV John Prescott eating a canapes and holding a drink EXT BV John Prescott commenting to Ray, who asks if there was a deal, as he is followed along road and into building TRACK FORWARD SOT - The kippers were really wonderful / I'm all Labour, I had kippers not oysters INT CMS David Blunkett MP (Home Secretary) whispering in ear of Gordon Brown MP (Chancellor) GV distorted image of Gordon Brown as seen through a glass Gordon Brown leaving room as Ray asks if he enjoyed his kippers PAN SOT EXT David Blunkett MP (Home Secretary) interview SOT - All the froth about who's stabbing who in the back and who's going to be the next leader of the Labour party / At the moment we are fighting to ensure that people understand that politics is what happens in their own lives

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
17 maj 2004
Saknar release. Mer information
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25p
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576 25i