Gaza: Alan Johnston kidnapping: BBC reporter freed

Gaza: Alan Johnston kidnapping: BBC reporter freed; Alan Johston press conference SOT - It is the most fantastic thing to have come to the end of that / It was the most terrible thing I've been through in my life / You can imagine it was sixteen weeks of solitary confinement / Difficult, unpredictable people who did talk occasionally about killing me - (asked about worst moment) The leader of the gang had said that I wouldn't be killed or tortured / He was speaking to me with his face concealed in a face mask / I didn't know whether to believe him or not / A couple of hours later they woke me up and they put a hood over my head / They handcuffed me and took me out into the night / You wonder where that's going to end / I was taken into a room then / a very bare room / Through the mask that they'd put on me I could see in the corner a large stick / and I did wonder if I was going to get a beating at that point
Gaza: Alan Johnston kidnapping: BBC reporter freed; Alan Johston press conference SOT - It is the most fantastic thing to have come to the end of that / It was the most terrible thing I've been through in my life / You can imagine it was sixteen weeks of solitary confinement / Difficult, unpredictable people who did talk occasionally about killing me - (asked about worst moment) The leader of the gang had said that I wouldn't be killed or tortured / He was speaking to me with his face concealed in a face mask / I didn't know whether to believe him or not / A couple of hours later they woke me up and they put a hood over my head / They handcuffed me and took me out into the night / You wonder where that's going to end / I was taken into a room then / a very bare room / Through the mask that they'd put on me I could see in the corner a large stick / and I did wonder if I was going to get a beating at that point

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Redaktionell fil nr:
Datum skapat:
04 juli 2007
Saknar release. Mer information
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
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576 25i